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Space Clearing

Energetically, everything that ever has occurred in a space is imprinted in the space itself.


Repeated thoughts and behaviors, intense or abusive actions, and darker emotions like frustration, anger and fear are the most deeply recorded in the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture and any objects in a space.  I perform a space clearing ritual adapted for each individual space using century old techniques combined with current quantum physics knowledge of energy.


Any space can benefit from a space clearing. Even new structures and the building materials can have the recent imprints of the feelings, words and actions of the builders.  Or, objects which have been brought into a space from another place can bring negative energy along with them as well. This invisible stagnant or toxic residue needs to be regularly cleared just as dust and clutter need to be cleared from a home or business space.


Sometimes, the negative energetic residue which has been built up over time in a space is thick and tangible and can be sensed on some level by almost anyone who enters. Other times, the energy debris that is left in a space is subtle, but still can negatively effect our health and moods. That is one reason why some places feel instantly "right or "good" when we come into a space and others feel "wrong" or "off" in some way that we intuit. 


Additionally, negative, confused or wandering entities and spirits can inhabit a space and affect those who enter. Even if there has been no "haunting" or remarkable interference with the living inhabitants, the presence of these darker disembodied spirits can cause the living to feel inexplicable unease, anxiety and fear.


Space clearing brings in Universal, healing light as it helps cleanse a home or place of business of these toxic spirits, replacing that toxicity with a higher vibration and a feeling of peace. 


Energetic space clearing can have many positive, instantaneous and unexpected benefits!  After performing one clearing ritual in a home that had thick, stagnant energy and at least one dark entity, the mother of the girl who lived there came in, looked around and said, "You painted!"  

Let me help you "paint " your home or business with healing white light and positive energy!

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